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Trauma Healing


What is Bible-based trauma healing?

Trauma knows no boundaries of nationality, gender, age, social class or race. We all live in a fallen world and groan inwardly from the painful consequences of the fall. The church is uniquely called to this mission field­­—it provides a theology for suffering, a community bound together in love, access to a God who is willing to hear our honest laments, and a Savior who knows what unjust suffering feels like and whose death on the cross heals the broken-hearted and forgives their sins.


Trauma Healing Institute

The Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society equips and supports a global community of workers in trauma care, helping local churches, national Bible Societies and other NGOs bring Bible-based trauma healing to the world’s hurting people.


If you are interested in becoming a facilitator in the Trauma Healing ministry or receiving trauma help, please complete and submit the form below.

Resource for facilitators

The book Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help has been translated and taught in over 100 countries with more than 194 language groups in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.

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